SIQ Management Model is a so-called excellence model, now available in English. Very simplified, excellence models aim to support an organization to do the ”right things” in the ”right way” and achieve success.
By ”right things” is meant products; goods and services that the organization’s stakeholders, customers and users demand and value. By ”right way” is meant that the organization has and constantly develops appropriate working methods and processes to deliver ”right things”.
You can download the model and model’s manual free of charge.
Look at the video below for an introduction to the model.
Excellence models and specifically the SIQ Management Model are based on the idea that it is via the application of different working methods that results are achieved. The model is built on the principle that given working methods provide certain given results and if other results are required, working methods need to be further developed.
Culture consists of five success factors that are characteristic for leading organizations. These factors have been defined based on research and practice:
The SIQ Management Model consists of the areas that have the greatest impact on an organization’s results. The areas focus on customers and stakeholders, management, employees and processes. By developing its working methods in these areas, an organization strengthens its culture and its results.
Systematics is a way of asking questions that provide insight into how one’s own organization works. It is only when we become aware of how we do something that we can improve what we do.